I’ve had another busy week blissfully wandering through my bubble of a life. If only work didn’t get in the way, it would be a truly harmonious existence. Internet stuff has seemingly sucked up much of my precious life since this embryo of an adventure started to take shape. This blogging malarkey can be very time consuming and along with my butterfly-esque social life I have almost no time at all for sleeping!
Matt has now added JustGiving buttons in the 'Please sponsor us' box on the right, so that all you lovely people can make very kind donations to our chosen charities; Rainbows Hospice and Whizz Kidz. Please consider splitting your donations between the two charities if you don’t have a personal preference. Unfortunately it isn’t possible to have a dual page and so they are both done individually. Sorry about that. Anyone wishing to donate to Wilco’s cause can contact him direct on info@autismesportief.nl
Wilco contacted me to tell me about the success of his interview with the Sportief Zwolle website and another similar interview is also available online.
Have a look at it here http://sportiefzwolle.nl/nieuws/3598/wilco-voulon-start-met-autisme-sportief.html and http://www.weblogzwolle.nl/content/view/24458/55/
However unless you are perfectly fluent in Dutch you will have to translate the pages. It’s a very simple process luckily. Open up this Google translate link http://translate.google.com/ and put the above link into the text box then click the translate button. Easy peasy lemon squeezey!
He has also sent me a link to his website http://autismesportief.nl/ you will have to translate this too but it is worth doing just to see what a great and rewarding path he is walking. There is also a new button at the side somewhere that will magically fly you all the way there too.
The Ripley and Heanor News have posted our article on their website now too, feel free to view it here:
In addition to all this techno-madness I have managed to squeeze in some exercise. "How does he do it?" I hear you all cry!
I went for a 5.7 mile (9.15km) run around were I live; through the villages of Kilburn, Horsley, Coxbench, Lower Kilburn and Denby on Sunday evening and thoroughly enjoyed myself (I like to run). I’ll be stepping up to a full 10km from now on.
Monday saw me at the pool splashing away and that went… well, swimmingly really!
Although Tuesday morning I was creaking around the house suffering from some stiffness (calm down ladies) in my troublesome left leg (told you); so a rest day was in order.
It did ease somewhat by lunchtime though; so I trotted off to meet Matt Haynes at The Cross Keys pub in Swanwick for lunch and we set the Slackline up in the beer-garden for a few hours bouncing around. Terazer Edwards joined us for a go and was about as graceful as a new born giraffe until she finally got the hang of it after a couple of hours. With a lot of swearing too, the shameless potty-mouth!
And what with it being a rest day I decided in my infinite wisdom to go out and enjoy a 10km run around the block. All went well I’m pleased to say and I’ll be running at 10K consistently from now on with a bit of luck.

To be fair though she hasn’t been swimming for a long time and still managed a respectable 20 lengths. Afterwards I enjoyed a delicious Superberry recovery shake and Anita enjoyed a delicious ‘recovery’ Snickers bar!
I was going to write about how I was hoping that, by the end of today, the blog would have reached another magical marker; 2000 views! But I don’t have to because it happened last night Yay! Interest seems to be spreading gradually and we now have regular views from the UK, Netherlands, USA, France, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Belgium, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Chile, Australia, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Greece, Pakistan, Nepal, Thailand and Croatia! Truly amazing and not something we really expected to happen. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to browse. We are truly grateful. Now start clicking those JustGiving links please! Hahaha. And I promise not to mention it again until at least 5000!
My utmost thanks must go out to Phil Evans at Yak-Attack for his facebook link to this site and also for putting it in the news feed on the Yak Attack website. Brilliant! Cheers dude.
I’ve been wondering lately if it’s possible that some men can suffer from an extended mid-life crisis? Mine started when I was about 15 years old and shows no signs of abating at my supposedly mature age of 41. The really worrying thing, not that I actually worry a great deal, is if I haven’t actually started mine at all yet?! God only knows what will happen when it does take hold!
Indeed while I’m on the subject of not growing up I have some words of wisdom for all you lovely people out there. This morning I was subjected to a particularly scary apparition (No I wasn’t looking at myself in the mirror… well yes I did, but I’m not talking about me). Here's the good advice: It’s a much better idea to try and look good for your age than to try and look ten years younger! Scary; honestly! :D
Have a great day wherever you are; and you stay classy San Diego ;)
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